Making UG world-rated

Dear Editor,
At the 46th convocation of the University of Guyana, President Donald Ramotar said his administration is committed to making the institution world rated. A similar sentiment was expressed in the portfolios and presentations of all four candidates vying for the post of vice chancellor. The dreams and ambitions of these men are indeed quite lofty, but before looking to the stars, there is need for immediate attention to the very mundane.
UG road is not in the best shape. It has navigable pot-holes but when it rains, there are many problems. As for the noise level, I have a feeling that this is here to stay. The driveway leading to Admission Department is too busy and noisy – all kinds of vehicles traverse this passage all day long. This is really bad for teaching and learning. I really suffered as a student when my sessions were in the education buildings. Many times too, the sudden shrieking of alarms from parked vehicles simply brought sudden and temporary stoppage to teaching sessions and examinations. Is it too hard to enforce rules, regarding noise levels at UG? Is this not a part of a world rated academic institution?
I appeal to the UG Council and members of staff to take a serious look at the simple things first. It makes no sense having a nice shell and no substance. UG is not only about facilities and amenities. It is also about a culture of learning and academic development.

Yours sincerely,
Somwaru Jailall

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